Roulette Baja 19

Roulette Baja California

The greatest motorcycle adventures are still unknown

Sorry the ride is postponed

Saturday October 26 2019-Sunday November 3 2019

About this ride:

This year's ride will be a 7 day explorer's dual sport ride in the middle north of Baja California, Mexico

About Roulette:

This is a roulette style ride. This ride is not for everyone. Only riders who like exploring and discovery. This ride is for intermediate and advanced riders only. This will be a tough guy style ride. No beginners and no wimps. Some of the routes are exploratory in nature and therefore unknown. Some routes may not work out. You must enjoy that sort of thing.

About this ride:

This ride will contain a mix of good known trails and dirt roads. There will be some beach riding and some rocks. There are some unknown sections to explore. Riders should come with a fuel range of 140 miles. This ride is not for big bikes. Best are smaller dual sport or dirt bikes.

This is a hotel based ride. Riders will use their own trucks to get to the ride. Many will carpool with their friends or new friends.

On Saturday morning we will meet at my home and all drive to the Bay of LA. It is about a 10 hour drive.

We ride the first 2 days in the Bay of LA as loop rides

Then, on Tuesday morning we will all drive to Catavina and have a short day's loop ride. We ride 3 days in Catavina.

And on Friday morning we drive to San Quintin and have a short day's loop ride. We ride 2 days in San Quintin.

Sunday morning we will start the drive home. It will take 5 hours to get to the border.

Ride Details

I know many of you also enjoy dreaming about the ride and making your plans, so here is the detail, enjoy!

Ride Plan: Baja Roulette 19

Signup info:

Refund Policy

Do not sign up for this ride unless you are serious about coming. I take your signup very seriously and start planning for you the minute you sign up. If you need to cancel up to one month prior to the ride start date I will give you a full refund but I will keep $100 to cover the planning work. Sorry but I make non refundable commitments myself so it gets hard for me. "I hate this world of non refundable deals myself." If you need to cancel within one month of the ride I cannot give a refund unless I can find a replacement rider. In the case of finding a replacement rider, I will gladly give you the full refund minus the $100 to cover the planning work. In the event of ride cancellation, you will be given a full refund.

Do you want to know the history of the Roulette rides? The Story of Roulette Rides

Ride Yodas

Yoda gpsKevin

Things to think about before signing up

Is this ride right for you?

This is an explorer's ride. The nature of exploring is that much is unknown, so things can go wrong. The routes are unproven and sometimes don't work due to obstacles or just plain errors. The day can turn long and test your abilities and patience. You will find yourself in the mix of many rider's opinions that know how to fix the problem. You need to be able to find the fun in that. The riding can be fun, challenging, fast, slow, scenic and hard. It is all about the riding.

Are you right for this ride?

When something goes wrong on a ride, would your riding friends say that you are more likely to need help or more likely to give help? You should be in the more likely to offer help camp. This ride is filled with riders that are more likely to give help, so most of the time the riders never need help. Additionally there is all the normal stuff: come prepared to maintain your bike, fix your bike on the trail, repair flat tires, deal with bad weather and rain and make a joke or two.

How does the ride navigation work?

This is a self-led GPS ride; all riding is on your own. You are responsible for your own riding. You will be given a GPS map file and instructions on how to use your Garmin GPS unit. People will hook up in small groups of less than 6 riders and tend to ride together. You are not encouraged to ride alone. You are responsible for your own riding and yourself.

(see my ride Navigation Video)

How do I make the GPS stuff so easy?

I develop very high quality custom ride maps for our ride. They come from much of what I and others have ridden. I take the best from all my rides and make new ones.

(See my Custom Ride Maps Video)

Note from me, gpsKevin

My goal for this ride is simple: great riding! You can count on great routes and places to ride.

But, in addition, the ride is about discovering new places, meeting new friends, seeing new parts of the world.

Thanks gpsKevin

Who is going on this ride?